Omar, you’re so loved that people from all over the world gathered to send you messages of support for your very first solo concert! We know you’ll shine more than all the stars in the universe on that stage, it's the place where you belong. And we’ll be here, cheering from home! We all love you and we’re incredibly proud of you! 🤍


Hi Omar! I'm Sofia from Italy! I wanted to congratulate you on your first solo concert. You sold out and I couldn't be more proud of you! Thank you for everything you do for us every single day, I hope our love can be felt during that evening, and you can keep it in your heart forever. I won't be there physically but with my heart I will be there and I will dance and sing with you from a distance. I love you and ALWAYS take care of yourself. Little Omarcito would be proud of you. I love you 💜

@blue_ the_ blue_sheep

I would like to thank Omar for showing me that there is more to do with my life and for becoming a huge inspiration to me. When my mental health was at its worst Omar made everything seem better. He, unbeknownst to him, had helped me get out of that tough time and become a better part of myself. He feels like the family I'm really missing in my life <3 Thank you Omar!

Evie Linden Ashworth

Hej Omar!! I’m so so proud of you to be hosting your very own concert in February! And I am so lucky to be able to say i will be there supporting you. This is such an amazing moment in your career and life and we are all so happy for you. CONGRATS!! Love from the Uk ❤️❤️


Hi Omar, very good luck for your first solo concert, I'm proud like all your other fans you cared for years for this, you and Edvin are my favorite people, you saved me so many times, both you and Young Royals, If it weren't for you or Edvin or Lisa Ambjörn I don't know what my life would be like, I even have a tiktok channel for you, Edvin and Young Royals. At Christmas I received your perfume, and I tell you it's an incredible fragrance when I received it, I cried, screamed and jumped ahah, it's very good, and I wish you the best of luck in your concert, you and your music saved me, YOUNG ROYALS BABYYYY 👑💜 (Sorry if there are spelling mistakes)


Hey Omar, just want to wish you a good good luck at your fir solo concert ever i love you so so much and i wish i could be there but unfortunately no. You are such a great person! Now you have reached what you wanted to reach your whole life and i‘m so incredibly proud of you! You are my comfort person since 2 years almost and i‘m so lucky that i know you! Your music, everything on you is perfect. OK now i write to much enjoy your concert and have the most luck my love❤️


Hi Omar, good luck on your concert, unfortunately I won't be able to see it because I'm from Portugal, but I would really like to see it in a live broadcast. Good luck, you fought hard to get here, I just wanted to know if one day you could come to Portugal, give a concert or go on vacation, I would really like it, me and a friend of mine :)) good luck for the show, you can do it 💜👑


Hej Omar, I can‘t be at your concert because I live in Germany and it is just to expensive, but I will definitely support you from home. I am so proud of you. You deserve this whole concert thing and even more. You are my favourite artist and I‘m so thankful for your music, because it helps me calm down when I'm about to get a panic attack. My mental health is in general really bad, so I really mean it, when I say that you saved my life and I know a lot other people think the same. You deserve the world and I will forever be grateful to live at the same time as you. All my love and good luck for your concert<3


Hejjjj Omar! Unfortunately I can't come to your concert but I hope you have a wonderful time 💜 I can't wait to see photos and videos of your performances. I know you'll be great. Enjoy this moment because you deserve it. Be happy and proud of yourself and what you achieved. I am. I send my best to you. May your future be even greater and full of love and joy. Hejdå från Italien


Heyyy, I wish you good luck for your show. I sadly can't come but I hope that I will get to see you perform life sometime. I'm sure the show will be amazing 💜💜💜


OMAR I’M SO SO PROUD OF U OMG!!! Your first solo concert will be unforgettable i know it’s gonna be amazing <3 Really wish i could be there for you but you're gonna be INCREDIBLE on stage!!!! LOVE U

@just_ yrs_ baby_

Hej Omar ! Jag är Clara ! (I don't speak swedish anymore lol) I sincerely hope you and your family/friends are okay! I just want to tell you that I'm SO proud of you and I'm so happy. I can't come to your show and it's sad (😭) but I'm so so so happy for everyone who can come and I'll watch it in live or whatever I'll find a way to watch your concert. CONGRATULATIONS for all of this and I hope you'll enjoy it. But OF COURSE you'll enjoy it. Anyway. Love you, love your music and I'm so happy for you ahhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hej då ! 💗💗💗

@Last_ on_ ig_ali

"You’ve captured my heart from over the ocean. I want all your dreams to come true, and this show is just the beginning. I just know you’ll take the world by storm- you’re too talented not to. All my love, Ali
P.S. Please make a Wilmon wedding movie 💕"


Omar vas a hacer tu primer show como solista y más orgullosa de vos no puedo estar, llevo siguiéndote hace casi 2 años (desde 2022) y es increíble todas las cosas que has logrado y cumplido en estos últimos 2 años, yo y todo los fans sabemos que desde siempre has soñado con hacer tus propios conciertos y ver a la gente cantar y bailar tus canciones y ver qué lo estás a punto de cumplir es una emoción y alegría enorme. Nada me hace feliz que verte cumplir tus sueños y tus metas y fans de 47 países van a verte cantar en vivo y apoyarte. Lamentablemente yo no voy a poder ir a tu concierto porque soy de otro país y me sale caro el viaje hasta Suecia pero yo desde acá desde Argentina te apoyo, y voy a estar viendo los videos de los fans que graban del concierto. Y también te deseo toda la suerte del mundo yo sé que la vas a romper toda y que vas a dar un lindo show y que va a ser una hermosa y linda noche para vos y un día que seguro tu público jamás olvidará y va a ser una experiencia que lo recordaran para siempre. Ojalá que en el futuro haga más conciertos y que puedas hacer uno en mi país 🫶🥹

@Izzy_ morgan_ 2022

Hii Omar, just want to wish you the best for your first solo concert. Sadly I can’t go but next time you have a show I will definitely go (please come to the uk!!!). And I can’t wait to see what else you do and yeah that’s all I have to say.


Hi Omar, I wanted to wish you congratulations, congratulations on your achievement, you deserve a LOT and I know you're going to make it, I'm very proud of you, I'm very proud to say that you're my great idol, my inspiration, my home, my comfort, you're the first person I think of when I'm sad, your smile brightens my days, every minute that passes I love you more, I hope you're very happy, I hope you can conquer more and more, and I'm sure you can. You'll conquer the world if you want to, your way of acting comforts me, your gentle smile infects the people around you, making them smile too, I'm completely in love with your smile, your eyes, only you make me feel good, you warm my heart, you make me feel good about myself, I see you as a great friend, as my best friend, even though you've never spoken to me. My world was always black and white, but you came along and made it colorful again, thank you for everything Omar, I love you with every beat of my heart, I hope that one day, even if it's the last, I hope to meet you, hug you and tell you that you saved my life, tell you that you're one of the reasons I keep going, tell you that you're kept in my heart forever, I love you Omar. Good luck with your show, I wish you all the best and I hope that one day I can go and see you sing live. Love from your fan in Brazil. 💜


Hi Omar ❤️ I am so happy and I am soo proud of you that you will have your first solo concert, literally I am SOOO SOO SOOO proud of you 🥹🥹❤️ i know that this concert will be INCREDIBLE 🥰 sending you lots of love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hey Omar, i wish you nothing but lots of fun for your first solo concert and i can’t even tell how proud i am of you! I love seeing you achieving your goals more and more, you deserve it like no other. Thank you for everything you’re doing. I love you. <3


Hey Omar! I wished to be there on your first solo but Sweden never felt so distant from Italy... Anyway we are so proud of you and your goals and we wanted to say good luck for your solo and I hope that you will do a tour in the future! Love from Italy xoxo

@lil_ royal_ boyy

I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of everything you have achieved throughout your life but especially last year. It´s incredible how far you have come. And I know this is only the beginning so just know that i will be there every time, for everything. Maybe i´ll see you next time you´ll come to Paris so keep your eyes open for à confused black haired boy, lmao. Love, Raphael.


Hey Omar, how to start... this 2023 you have done incredible things. Thanks to everything you have done, you have helped me in the moments when I thought no one loved me, thanks to your music I have been able to get up and say... it's enough to cry, life is only one and we will always have bumps but I don't I had to stay in my room crying. Omar, your music helped many people including me. You are a very special person in my life and I hope that at some point I can say everything I wrote to you in person. Seriously Omar, thank you very much for everything, I know you are going to go very far with the great talent you have. I love you Omar ❤️


Hey Omar!! I‘m very sad that I can‘t be at your first solo concert, but I will be cheering from home. I‘m so proud of you!! Your first concert is sold out woahh that is so incredible. You will make so so many people (including me) so happy while doing the thing you love (singing)!! Hopefully I will see you live another time!! I wish you good luck and much fun at your first solo concert!! I‘m sure it will be an amazing night. Thank you Omar!! Thank you for doing music it helps me sm getting trough my day. Greetings from Germany!! Älskar dig Omar!!

@_ giorgia._ .clemente_

Hi Omar, I know this will most likely seem CRINGE to you, but I really wanted to write to you. I've been following you for a couple of years now and every day I'm amazed by you and everything you do. Simply seeing your stories cheers me up and makes me spend the day peacefully. I wanted to thank you, because thanks to you and your music I overcame a long "bad period" in my life: your songs pushed me to go out, eat and much more. You don't know how much you have done for me in these few years; I hope maybe to meet you one day (which is really unlikely, given that I live in Italy), but if not, you will always have a big place in my heart. I really love you so much ♡ PS: we won't see each other on February 17th either 🥲

Riccardo Parra

Hi Omar, you are an inspiration for many people, remember where you were and where you are now. You can make the world better, be the best version of yourself.


I wish you the absolute best and just know that you deserve this and just be who you are because that person inspired so many people including myself. I hope that you have fun and I will be watching all the videos from home! Lots of love, Jadyn.


Omar, you mean so much to me and I am cheering for you! Your music has helped me through so much and I hope this concert is the best night of your life. Love you forever, Abby.


Hi Omar, I'm Bruna, I'm from Brazil and I won't be able to go to your show in February, but I want to wish you good luck with this and the other shows you're going to perform, I hope one of them will be in Brazil 🤭 thank you very much for being part of my life since 2021, I'm so happy to be your fan, I love you and never stop shining 💕


Your first solo concert. What an accomplishment! Congratulations, I'm so proud of you. I won't be able to be there, but I hope you have the best time possible. Enjoy every single moment of it. You deserve it. Much love from the Netherlands 💜


Hey Omar, when I heard that you were going to do your first concert I almost cried and when I found out that everything is now sold out I really cried, I'm so proud of you, we all are.... You deserve truly all the love in this world and I'm so happy to see you shine on that stage in February even if i unfortunately wont be there it doesn't matter if even just through a small screen, I will be there to support you and see you shine because I really love you more than anyone else and even though coming to your concert would have been my biggest dream I'm happy that people like me can make their dream come true and sing and dance with you that day because this is the truth, you are loved Omar, so loved, we fans would always be there for you as you are for us and we will always support you....you are truly my world and I love you with all my heart. I will forever be proud of you. Little omarcito would be proud❤️🩹❤️🩹


I'm afraid I won't be able to attend your important show, but I want you to know you have an amazing voice and unique singing style. I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH OMARRUDBERG 💓💓💓💖💖💖💕💕


Hi Omar! I couldn’t make it to your show cause I live in Australia and I’m broke 😅 but I just wanted to say how happy I am that you get to do your own show and I’m so proud of your journey and how far you’ve come. I know the show will be an amazing experience for you and everyone who’s going. Love you so so so so much, i'm excited to see what comes next in 2024 ❤️❤️


Hey Omar, i hope everything is going well for you and that your heart is protected and filled with love. I really want to thank you for all this daily dose of love, you comfort hearts that you have not broken and we are very grateful for all of that. Take care of yourself, i love you soo much 🫶🏼🤍


Hey Omar, I’m so god damn proud of you YOUR FIRST SOLO TOUR OMFG I’m so so proud. I’m sure you’ll get this!! I’m from Germany and I’ll fly to Stockholm only for you concert for one day! I’m so happy to see you i love you so so much! You make my day when ever i see you and idc if you’ll not see this i just wanted to tell you! Your my everything Your gorgeous! I’ll love you for ever ❤️


Hi Omar, how are you? You must be super excited for the show, right? I haven't been a fan of yours for long but I'm very proud of you, I'm proud of who you've become, I'm proud to be your fan, seeing you makes me feel good, you make me smile, you make me happy. I won't be able to go to your first show because I live in Brazil, but I wish you the best of luck and may your first show be the best and the first of many. I love you so much and thank you for helping me with a lot of things. Come to Brazil one day. With lots of love your fan, Sophia.


Hello Omar, I am happy that your concert in February has been sold out and I am so excited that I will be there. You have an amazing voice and beautiful songs, a great sense for elegance, fashion and beauty, you are the MOST BEAUTIFUL PERSON I KNOW, HEART, BODY AND SOUL. I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST, OMAR, FIRSTLY LOVE, HAPPINESS and a lot of SUN in your life, and a lot of MUSIC which makes you happy. I love your music. I HOPE YOU ARE HAPPY, GOD BLESS YOU OMAR. Everyday I am praying for you being happy. Maybe you felt sad sometimes and maybe somebody disappointed you, I am sorry for it. But you have achieved so much, you are an amazing person, you are beautiful. I wish happiness and LOVE FOR YOU, OMAR. I am honored to have a chance to write you, THANKS FOR BEING YOU. I LOVE YOU, OMAR, REALLY ❤️🧡💛💚💙🩵💜Robert

John French

Dearest Omar. Just a note on the event of your first sold out concert. Congratulations, so happy and proud for you. Looking forward to a world tour next. Knockem dead you beautiful human............te amo ❤️ John

Paulina Hellstrand

A veces la vida nos hace creer que uno está haciendo las cosas mal o que está en el camino equivocado. Lo importante es creer en uno mismo y luchar por hacer nuestros sueños realidad cueste lo que cueste. Le doy gracias a Dios por qué tú creíste en ti, a pesar de lo difícil que ha sido. Gracias a Dios por tu madre y su apoyo. Este concierto es solo el comienzo de todo lo bueno que se viene para ti. Estoy tan orgullosa de la persona que eres. Tienes un ángel y un talento increíble. Y recuerda: Tienes tu propia estrella. Así como tu hermoso diamante en el cielo, tu también eres eterno e infinito. Te quiero mucho!


Hey omar ! :D I just wanted to wish you good luck and i hope you have fun. Sadly i can't be there but thats fine :) ♡ love you.

Brown Eyed Girl
@brown_ eyed_ girl60

Sending my love and support all the way from Central Illinois! Good luck on your concert, Omar. I know it will be amazing and wish I could be there. I hope you come to the US because I will fly to see you perform live anywhere here. You are so talented, kind, and hard working and you deserve this success!


Hi Omar! I’m so sad I wont be able to see you at your first solo concert but I’m so proud of you. It’s an honor to be a fan of yours and see you accomplish everything you dreamed of doing. You inspire me every day to be myself and never give up and I can never thank you enough for that. I know the show will be amazing and everyone there will be forever changed from hearing your voice!!!!!! I love you so so much pls know you have so many people cheering and supporting you from home even tho we can’t be there.


Hi Omar. I just wanted to tell you that I REALLY wanted to go to your show, and I really hope that someday I will ❤️ I love your voice and I love the way you sing, whenever I listen to your songs I get emotional because I feel like when you're singing you're singing from the heart. You are an incredible person and I love you so much, my love. I really want to continue following you and see you grow and more people recognize you. You deserve the best, I love you so much 💗💗


Jag hoppas du får det bästa året i ditt liv och jag hoppas verkligen att du INTE slutar med det du gör och det som DU gillar för du är absolut bäst på det och alla älskar allt du gör ❤️❤️ Jag hoppas du kommer ha många fler konserter någon gång för då skulle jag säker kunna gå på någon av dem <3 Jag och alla dina fans önskar dig all lycka i framtiden med alla dina projekt som du håller på med <3 Din musik som du gör är sååååå himla bra jag dör varje gång du släpper något nytt och jag har varit besatt av "Dum" sedan den kom ut! ❤️❤️ Jag hoppas att du mår jättebra och att vi syns snart ❤️❤️


Hej, Omar! This year was an incredible and an exciting year for you. You achieved soo much and I can’t imagine how proud you and everyone is of you! Having your first solo concert really is a big accomplishment. You had to work hard and knowing what you had to go through to get to where you are is really inspiring. I’m soo proud of you, this is a very big step in your career! Even though I wasn’t able to go to the concert, I’ll be watching and cheering for you from home! Hope you have the best time of your life because you deserve it!! Jag älskar dig så mycket💜


I’m so proud of you for all the work you’ve put in, you deserve this so much and I can’t wait to see you grow. I’m sending my love all the way from England (I’m suing stadiums in England if they won’t let you perform in Europe one day) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 <33


Hej Omar 💗 jag heter Iben och är från Danmark, och jag vill bara säga att jag ÄLSKAR dig och din musik 💗💗 du är ett så söt människa och hoppas du vet hur mycket vi alla stöttar dig 💗💗 hoppas du mår bra!!!

Katya Tumanov

Hey Omarr!! First I wanna say CONGRATULATIONS for your first ever solo concert im so proud of you. I’m sure everyone will have the best time ant the concert and will love to sing your beautiful music with you. I’m wishing the best of luck really hope it all will go good and smoothly (it will!!), I think that’s it wishing you lots of luck and have lots lots lots of fun love you goodluck, sending lots of support. ;) 💓


Hej Omar!! You brought into my life so many wonderful new friends, beautiful memories and so much joy and happiness. And ever since i got to know you, you brought into my life the true meanings of hardwork, dedication, dreaming, achieving, trying, getting right back up in the case of failing, keep hoping even while struggling, believing, honesty and staying true to yourself no matter what. For all of these i will always be grateful! I can’t explain how much I love you and how proud I am of you. I will support you forever with my whole heart ❤️. There are so many people who love you, supports you, and dreaming about meeting you. WE LOVE YOU OMAR!! 🫂🤍 Take care 💗


"Hi Omar! It feels surreal that you're performing live at last, and while I'm a bit disappointed that I won't have the chance to hear your angelic voice in person, I would like to pack all my well wishes into this message for you. I have long pondered on this, and I think if your voice has a taste, it would be like honey from the wild. Fresh and raw and wondrously pleasing. I hope you take care of yourself and find joy in performing for us as much as we do in watching you.
All my adoration, Siya. P.S. You have the single most beautiful pair of eyes. P.P.S. Hope you had a nice Christmas ;)"


Hi Omar!!! I just wanted to say how proud i am of you and how far you’ve come. It’s a shame that i won’t be able to experience your first concert but i am still sooooo proud of you. Continue being amazing and our star ❤️🩹. We love you so so much ⭐️⭐️


Hey Omar, I just want to say that I'm very proud of you that you sold out your first concert. You deserve this moment 💞 and I'll be cheering for you from home.


Hi Omar, I'm your fan from Indonesia!!! I'm here to remind you that I'm so proud of you, you are my favorite singer. You make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world, my life became so much better ever since you became apart of it. Good luck my sunshine... You're gonna be amazing like always! You always be the best no matter the result. Thank you for being my sunshine, my moon, my rainbow and my home. You deserve the world. I hope today brings you whatever you need. You're one of my favorite people on this planet. I hope you have the best loveliest day ever!!! AKU CINTA KAMU (I LOVE YOU) ❤

Nancy Robinson

Best of luck and I hope someday you will come to the States so I can see you. Hurry near 70 yrs old.


Hey your music is amazing it is literally all I listen to and I wish I was going to the concert but I can’t but your music is amazing


Congratulations on your first solo concert, after many years of hard work and belief, your dream is coming true, you can be proud of yourself, so are we. Too bad i won’t be able to experience it, but i’m sure it will be a fun party, hopefully you’ll come to Belgium one day and i’ll be in the front row 😊 Try to enjoy and take it all in 💕


I could write a book if it is about to explain the way you've been my inspiration. The few words I can say is you have given me a reason to live. You have given me hope, healing, and courage. I wish you all the best on your show, and I can't wait to see you and Wille having a good end together on March ❤️💐

Debbie Paleczny

Congratulations on all your success with OMR and your first sold out solo concert. I wish I could be with you in person but my heart is singing along to all your 🎵 I can't wait to see you maybe in the future!

Nada Rudall

Hi Omar, I'm Nada from New Zealand. I wish I could have been there for your live show so badly. I'm so excited and proud that you get to do this, that you get to realise your dreams. You're talented, persuasive, work hard and over all your energy and you being just unforgivingly yourself is amazing and inspiring. You deserve this and more. Good luck, I know you're going to kill it. Hoping to watch it later. Take care gorgeous. Love from Kiwi Land.


Listening to your songs never ceases to make my days brighter! You have a light in you that makes you glow even without knowing it and we hope it'll never leave you. We are so proud to witness how far you've come, you deserve nothing less. This is your moment, so shine bright and unapologetically, we are all rooting for you! 🩷


Congratulations on selling out your first solo concert!!!!!!!!! 🖤🕺🏻🖤 I am so fucking proud of you and everything you’ve accomplished over the past couple of years. I have watched you grow into the best version of you that stands in front of all of us today. Im IN LOVE with Intro from Omr Beauty and am so happy that i was able to get my hands on a bottle. ILY PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! <3

Hadara Hirshfeld

Omar, I wish you lots of luck at your first concert 💜💜💜 You worked so hard to get to where you are, and deserve all the love from your fans. You are incredible. I am certain you will be amazing 😍 I love your music so much. You sound different in each language you sing... and you make me want to learn Swedish so I can understand you. 😁 Keep on being you 🥰 Tu eres el mejor 👑

Tessa Oliveira Bahia

I'm so proud and happy for you, Omar! You deserve the prettiest things in this world. I'm sure that this show is gonna be a succes and others will come next. You inspire me to be a better version of myself, thank you and have a good show! I'm waiting for you here in Brazil! Kisses and hugs. 💋


If you make people happy through your music, then you can be damn proud of yourself. We adore you for your creativity, your will and your love for your works. Stay hungry and so lovable.

Lisa MacLane

Congratulations Omar on your very first solo concert!!!! I wish I could be there to see you perform, but I can’t make the trip from USA right now. I will be cheering for you and showing my love as a fan for you. Break a leg Omar and have lots of fun!!!! Love you lots!!!


We're all so proud of you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for providing a unisex safe space, I've never felt more comfy being intersex than I do now in this community you've built. Thank you so much for providing a community with so much respect and love for one another, you helped me meet my fiancee, and she and I couldn't be happier. Thank you so much!

Ana W

Hi OMAR RUDBERG!! I am so happy that you are able to do your first solo concert. You've worked so hard for years and deserve a FULL SOLD OUT SHOW!!! I'm new but I know you had a long, long, journey and I'm enjoying all of what you have to offer. Thank you for everything, everyone loves you and smells like Intro 💜.

Christian Otto

Hi Omar! I love your acting in Young Royals and, of course, your music and your stage performance. It seems like this is all very easy for you. Wish you good luck and maximum success for your first solo concert!!! You rock this. Warm greeting from Germany.


Congratulations Omar, your music, acting and modelling skills have got you to this point along with all the hard work you have put in. I'm sad im gonna miss your big night but I'll be cheering you on from home. And i want to say thank you for all the music you've created it's helped me through a difficult time especially your song breathe as i relate to the lyrics and always puts a smile on my face when i'm down. Good luck for the big night x


Hello Omar! I congratulate you on your first solo concert. On the evening of February 17th I will think of you very much and send you a lot of strength. But you don't need that at all. You will be wonderful and the concert will be a great success. Just have fun!! I hug you and wish you all the best. And thank you for all the joy you give to so many people! Many greetings from BERLIN (hope i'll see you here soon).


Hey Omar! Wish I could be there, but alas, I'll be cheering from Baltimore, MD in the US! I'm a middle school teacher and 2 of my teammates and a bunch of our students love YR, love Simon, and love your music! We hope you have the time of your life and that you're surrounded by the love and support you deserve as you celebrate this enormous milestone! We listen to It Takes a Fool to Remain Sane every day and we're so hopeful (and giddy) to see clips of you singing it from your concert. We'll be looking out for future concerts so we can help sell those out! Have fun! Lots of love from Baltimore.


Hi Omar. Good Luck on your upcoming concert, wish I could be there


Felicidades Omar, te amo desde México ❤️


Hey Omar pookie, i'm so so proud of you for selling out your first solo concert. Sad that i can't be there to sing my little South African heart out, but know that your music has reached the literal bottom of Africa, the rest of the world and my heart! Have an awesome time doing backflips and shaking ass, love you lots <33


Hi Omar, my names is Ivan and I was wondering if you would like to like to collaborate with Becky G. I have the song and an idea of the music video. And I hope you have fun with your show.


I came across young royals in a difficult time in my life.. my dad was going thru surgery and i couldn't do much but prayer. Everythng was wrong and my prayer came in the form of your voice, hearing you sing on the show was like an instant calming persona. I didn't understand the language but I understood your music your voice. I can't begin to say how much I love you. If it wasn't for circumstances I would have flown into Sweden from India for the concert but never the less next time. You are an amazing person, your voice is my drug and I love you and hope to meet you someday. Cheering you on from Mumbai India for your concert and wishing you all the love in the world, you deserve nothing less. 💜💜💜 thank you for being a light for me.

Michaela klegseth

Omar my love, I’m so proud of you. You mean the world to me. I listen to your songs every day and I cheer you on with everything you do. I’m proud of your hard work with your tv show and movie I love both of them. Your perfume looks amazing and good job on your hard work on it. You inspire me so much. Good luck on your first concert. I love you, from Michaela from all the way from Louisiana in the United States.

Soraya Guedes

What is luck? Nothing more than a lot of work and talent. There is plenty of talent and the work seems to be paying off. Always follow your dreams with your feet on the ground and faith, regardless of your religion, but faith is within us. Kisses.


Omar, thank you for everything you did for me. You have reached so many things in your life and I am so proud of you. I'm especially proud of you for having your first concert sold out. Sadly, I can’t be there to support you but I hope I will be able to see you soon live as well. I am so happy and proud of you and I wish you an amazing concert. Thank you for everything, Liz ♡


Hi Omar! I just wanted to tell you congratulations for solding out, i know it was hard before but keep fighting!


Omar take your positive spirit with you on your journey, and never let anything get you down. Best wishes from Lithuania and good luck ❤️

Ana Laura

Esperó y puedas leer ésto!!.Hace poco tiempo te conocí en Netflix y sucedió algo inesplicable, transmites una luz atraves de esas pantallas, y me haces sentir que todo vale la pena, te deseo todo el éxito del mundo en tu concierto y el amor que mereces. Gracias por compartir con nosotros tu talento 💜💜💜 Espero poder conocerte aún más


Hello Omar. I'm so happy for your concert. I am sure that it will be a beautiful moment of joy, complicity and happiness between you and your audience. My name is Céline, I am French and I am over 40 (ouch). I wanted to tell you that this year hasn't been easy for me (and for everyone too, I know). A member of my family died and it's hard. But I wanted to tell you that your music has helped me and is helping me enormously to get through this difficult time. I listen to you every week, and it allows me to escape by dancing and singing. Thank you for that. I wish you the most perfect concert. The first of a long series. Maybe one day in France, who knows? Xoxo Céline


"i'm proud of you. I wanted to see a wonderful stage, but I won't be able to go this time.
But I want to go from Japan in the summer, so I'd like them to hold a concert. Love From Japan❤️"


Dear Omar, I'm so proud of you your amazing human being, you bring joy to everyone and light everyone day, you have help so many people with your talents keep doing what you doing and never give up on your dream.


Hi Omar, I write this little message just for congratulate you for your FIRST SHOW! It's a big step in a carrier of singer so I hope you gonna enjoy it! I can't be here unfortunately but I applaud you from my room here in France. I'm so proud of you and I think we all are. GOOD LUCK YUO'RE THE BEST! Kiss, Solène.


Hi Omar! Congrats on your first ever solo show! I'm so incredibly proud of you ❤️ I'm sorry I couldn't be there, but I promise I will be cheering as loud as I can from home! Wishing you the best of luck! Lots of love from Denmark 🫶


Hi Omar! I wanted to tell you how proud I am of you that you will be doing your first solo concert. I would really like to be there and support you, but unfortunately I couldn't. Despite this I know that many fans from different countries will be there for you to support you. Once again I'm very proud of you and everything you've achieved all this years with a lot of hard work and persistence. I wish you the best and I will be by your side every moment to see you grow as an artist and as a person and to see you make your dreams come true. I hope one day I can meet you and see you sing on a stage. I love you very much!!! Good luck with the concert. I will be cheering for you from home 💜💕🫶🏻

Vita whitley

Best of luck with your first solo concert, I love listening to your songs. You have a beautiful voice.


I'm increasingly proud of your achievements Omar, I'm happy to see you shining as you deserve, for always being so talented and humble 🫶🏻 Never let your shine fade Ommy 🤍


Hejjjj ma sweet lil angel, unfortunately i can't come to ur FIRST SOLO CONCERT i wish i could come but i can't, i always want to support you with all my heart! like man you saved my life man, i just wanted you to know that i'm so so sooo proud of you habibi, and i wish you all the best and you deserve the world, like i can't believe ma sweet lil angel is having his first solo concert?!!! Like wowwwwwww you don't know how much proud and happy i am right now, YOU DID IT OMARRRR, good luck! I love you with all my heart and sending you lots of hugs and love from egypt!

Kylie Gordon

Just wanted to wish you all best for your 1st solo concert, this is only the 1st of many to come. You are an inspiration to all and so talented. But most of all I think I love that you are so sweet and kind and funny and I love that you have a great relationship with your mum (please don’t ever change). Would have loved to be there in person but will be cheering you on from Australia.


Hi Omar, I wanted to tell you that I am proud of you for this achievement, you are a person full of talent and you put your heart into what you do, I hope you can always shine as you deserve because you are a star and I hope so much to see you taken one day. I love u so much 🫂💛☀️

@_ romane_ dcrt

Hey! Living in France, moving to Sweden is difficult because of my health. But my only wish would be to see you at one of your concerts. Thanks you so much!! You are a beautiful person. I am so happy to have finally felt myself thanks to you. Thank you for existing. After watching young royals, I didn’t think this was going to become my safe place. Your music is just beautiful and reassuring for me. For several years now, I have been suffering from mental illness and mental disorders. Sometimes I think life is no longer worth fighting for. But discovering you on my TV was the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me. Every day is for me a battle against myself. I am writing you this message, not to tell you what you hear every day but especially to tell you that you save me every day. You deserve to be successful and happy. Life is short and worth living. I would thank life if I could ever meet you. I think thousands of people send you a lot of messages. If I don’t try, I regret I never tried. Thank you for everything again. You have a huge place in my life. I can’t thank you enough for making me feel alive for the first time in my life. I wish you and all those who accompany you happiness. You are an example and a hope for our generation. Thank you very much.


Magical, sweet, talented Omar - you are the brightest Star on Earth! Words cannot express how beautiful you are.😘


You make me feel like I can do anything and I am so happy you exist Omar. Thank you for being the wonderful, amazing person that you are, you really helped me figure out who I am. I am the person I am today because you've helped me, when I first watched Young Royals i knew you were unique, and knowing that you might be able to see this just makes my eyes water with joy and i'm sorry if this whole message is cringe to you but you are my happiness and I love you so much Omar keep following your dreams! <3

Gabriela Dantas

Omar, only the universe knows how I wanted to be personally attending your first solo show. But, even though I'm not there in body, rest assured that I'm there in thought, always rooting for you, for your success, for your growth, always very honored to be able to accompany you, even if from afar. Good luck on your first solo show, this is the first of many to come! You are incredible on stage and moved me from the first time I watched your performance. I'm waiting for you in Brazil ❤️.


Hi Omar! I just want congratulate you for all the opportunity you're getting lately with your first show, your brand and of course acting debut since YR. You bring so much joy to all the fans and always spread love and we love you for that. You make me smile everyday and I was lucky enough to see you once in Paris hoping to have the chance to talk with you one day ♡ keep up the good work and never forget that we support you and will always look out for you.

@young_ royale_

I can't be at your concert because I'm only 15 but I'm extremely happy for you maybe one day you will come in French for a concert 😍💜


I'm so proud of you Omar!!! I hope you know how all your fans love you ❤️ congratulations on your first sold out show!!!! I hope it is not the last!!!!


Have fun at the concert, I am sure the audience will love your performance. And you know, in the end it is just a job. A special and exciting and nerve-wrecking one surely, but still just a job. We are all much more than just our jobs. ;-)


Sorry in advance for my English ahaha! I'm so proud to know that your first solo concert is sold out, it's crazy! Thank you for being the person you are, you're amazing, I know you're going to rock it 🫶🏼 We're waiting for you in France for a concert too 😁😁😁 We're all proud of you, bravo for everything you do! I love you so much, thank you for what you've given me every day 💖💖

Jade Dupont

Omar, I’m so immensely proud of what you’ve achieved and I can’t wait to be sat front row at your FIRST EVER concert! I wish you the best of luck but I know you’re going to smash it! I love you so much, I truely am your biggest fan and see you super soon! 🥹🩷🥰


Omar i love you, you are my bae, i wish you the best in your first solo concert and i hope you have an amazing time 🫶🫶 Wish i could be there but there will be other chances 😋 Jag älskar dig 🫶

Emma Williams

Hi Omar sorry I'm not going to be able to make it to your show but I can't get the time off work. I just wanted to say that you're going to do great and I wish you the best of luck. Hope I can make it in the future, I'll be cheering for you back home 🩷🩷🩷

Maria Luiza

Hi Omar, my name is Maria Luiza, and I'm from Brazil, I just wanna say thank you so much for you being you, since I started following you, I feel like other person, see you reaching all you ever dreamed about make me so happy and proud of you, I wish I could see you your first solo show but sadly I can't, but I want you to know that I'll right there cheering for you. I am so proud of you Omar, and I hope that I can meet you in person one day, I hope you come to Brazil one day, love you so much Omar xoxo ❤️


Dear Omar Rudberg, I hope this message finds you well and filled with excitement for your first-ever concert in Sweden on February 17th! As a fan from Iran, I unfortunately couldn't make the journey to be there in person, but please know that I am sending you all my love and support from afar. I know that you will put on an incredible show for all of your fans who are lucky enough to attend. Your talent and passion for music is truly inspiring, and I am so proud of all that you have accomplished thus far. I can't wait to see what the future holds for you and your music. I will continue to support you every step of the way, and I hope that one day I will have the opportunity to meet you in person. Congratulations on this amazing milestone, Omar! Have an unforgettable night with your fans, and keep shining bright. With love and admiration, Mahdieh.


Omar thank you for being you. Since finding you through acting and music you've made my life better. I'm so proud of your SOLD OUT solo concert and hope of day I'll be able to see you live one day. From one of your fans Catalina A

Ana Carolina

Hello Omar, I hope you have a nice show! Just kidding, as much as I want to be there for you, it won't be possible for me right now, but I hope that you can feel how appreciated and loved you are. Thank you for so many good memories and have an excellent "first of many' show.


Dear Omar, unfortunately I won't be able to be there to see you sing, but I hope you will be able to make yourself heard by us who unfortunately were unable to come. Sing like you never have, sing your heart out, sing from your heart and shine, shine like a star on a dark night, you gotta shine on that stage. I would have loved to hear your voice and be able to hug you more than ever but this distance doesn't allow me, but I will be there with my heart and I will hear you sing from here too... Good luck for this fantastic adventure. I love you, never forget it, you have improved my life ❤️🩹


Hi Omar! i really wanted to be there at your first solo concert, but sadly i dont live in sweden, and it would be a long and expensive way to travel. i love you loads and i hope that youre doing great! youve helped me in so many ways and im so proud of how long youve come! I love you so so so much!! and your perfume smells so nice! Love from Nora ❤️

@Obsessed_ withthe_ english

Hey Omar I wanted to say good luck at the concert, your gonna hit those vocals and do literally amazing 💙💜

Marta Costa

Dear Omar, my name is Marta, I follow you and have been a fan since 2021, and I wanted to express here a little of everything I'm feeling, I'm VERY happy that you're doing YOUR FIRST SOLO SHOW, damn it's incredible, it's surreal, a mix of feelings. You've achieved so much, which isn't enough for you, because you still have a whole world to conquer, there's nothing you can't do, that's already more than proven... Act, sing, dance... Talent in person! Please never doubt yourself, you are an inspiration to so many people, from the youngest to the oldest. Yes, you are! Believe me! I love you lots! Your show is already an absolute success, and even if I couldn't watch it up close, I would be cheering, singing, shouting and dancing with you! May you feel how much you are loved as soon as you step on stage! I love you, good luck! Ps: PLEASE BRING THE SHOW TO BRAZIL TOO, I ASK YOU (crying face emoji) BRAZIL LOVES YOU!

Katie Garcia

Omar!!!! I'm so sad I can't attend your concert, I live all the way in the United States and my parents would never let me, a17-year-old girl, go to Sweden but I am SOOO happy and excited for you!!!! I can't describe how beyond proud I am of my favorite actor and biggest inspiration 🥺🥺 I know you will fucking KILL IT on that stage, I hope it's the most amazing concert ever!!! I'll be tuning in from my home, watching live tweets and hopefully some tiktok lives or something, so I (and many others) will be cheering and supporting you from outside the stadium!!! Best of wishes and take care!! ❤️

Catherine Santos

"Dear Omar. Finally the most awaited day has arrived! This day is the result of a lot of work, a lot of battle and a lot of struggle and you deserve it very, very much to enjoy it to the fullest and all the recognition behind every second of your show! Anyone who is your fan knows how hard you fought to achieve all of this and is radiant and with tears of joy in their eyes. The world is ready to see you, know you and adore you, and you know it! This is just the beginning of the brilliant journey that awaits you. More than an artist, you are a person capable of touching people, transforming lives, whoever knows you once never stays the same. What to say when dreams come true? Enjoy it, you deserve it and we all know it. We love you very much, we carry our love with pride in our chest. We love you to where words can no longer go. Have a great show!!!"


Hola Omar, estoy muy orgulloso de ti y de lo lejos que has llegado y de lo positivo que puedes ser a pesar de todo. Tú y los Jóvenes Reales salvaron mi vida y estoy muy agradecido por ello. Lamento no poder permitirme ir a tu concierto, pero intentaré apoyarte en todo lo que pueda, porque eres una persona increíble que ha hecho cosas increíbles y estoy muy agradecido por eso. te amo, 💜


Hello Omar, I would like to wish you all the best and good luck on your first solo concert, hope to see you soon <3


I’m so proud of you love you Omar, cheering you on all the way in Louisiana USA


Hey Omar, I just wanted to let you know how awesome you are. Your dedication and hard work shine through, and you truly deserve all the success you've achieved. Your music not only brings joy to my ears but also inspires me to keep going. What sets you apart is not just your musical talent but also your genuine kindness. The way you reach out to others and encourage them is truly admirable. You're a positive influence that goes beyond the music scene. Your authenticity is something I really appreciate. In a world where it's sometimes hard to find genuine people, you stand out as a role model worth looking up to. Your values go beyond fame, and that's truly commendable. And let's talk about your music. It's not just a sound, but a connection to a place that feels like home. It goes beyond the speakers, creating a profound emotional resonance. Overall, Omar, you're not just a success in the music industry, but you embody the spirit of community, unity, and positive change. Your journey is not only inspiring but also a reminder that with hard work, passion, and authenticity, incredible things can happen. Love ya🤎


Heyyyy Omar, i just wanted to say that i love you so much and that you and your music and young royals have saved me in more ways than i can even begin to explain, i am coming to your concert all the way from Belgium but i just wanted to wish you good luck and i know that you are going to do so good. I love you and hope you are looking forward to the concert. See you next week ❤️❤️


Hello Omar, how to start. You are one of the best people who has appeared in my life for a couple of years, all your songs have helped me a lot to overcome the worst things that have happened to me in my life. You have taught me to be brave and move forward even if your life has been screwed up. Seriously, thank you for everything, I hope at some point in my life I can tell you all this in person. Thank you for making me smile in my worst moments. I love you so much 🩷


Good luck... may God bless you on this new journey in your life... it's going to be amazing ❤️

Fannie Karlsson

Hej Omar! Jag hoppas att du har den fetaste kvällen någonsin, och jag hoppas genuint att allting går som du tänk dig. Jag har följt dig sedan början av 2017, och att se dig ha din helt egna konsert på Cirkus gör mig så sjukt glad. Ord kan inte beskriva hur otroligt stolt jag är över dig, och hur mycket det på ett sätt betyder att se hur långt du har kommit, och hur mycket framtiden har att erbjuda dig. Mitt nyårs löfte för 2024 var att se dig live åtminstone en gång, för du är en sån stor inspiration för mig, och tack vare dig så har jag accepterat mig själv för den jag är, och har äntligen börjat tycka om mig själv, och jag har lovat mig själv att jag göra allt i min makt för att försöka bevisa min tacksamhet för det. Vad du än gör, vad du än kommer välja att göra, så kommer jag alltid att stå bakom och heja på dig. Du är genuint den bästa jag har, och jag hoppas du förstår vilken förändring du har gjort för så många av oss, på det mest positiva sättet någonsin. Jag hejar på dig, jag jublar och applåderar det högsta jag kan för dig, om det betyder att jag förlorar mina lungor, so be it, du förtjänar det. Du förtjänar ALLT det bästa livet har att erbjuda. Du är vår stjärna Omar, du lyser upp allt. Njut av allt och var stolt över dig själv. Jag älskar dig enormt mycket hjärtat, du är bäst

Liza Joy Maglinte

Good luck Omar, to your concert. I wish you make a best concert ever


Hi Omar! We were so happy with the news that you would be performing your first solo show! I wish you all the success, support and recognition in this world, because you deserve it! Unfortunately I won't be there, but we will be vibrating with joy from here! Sending all the love and affection from Brazil, you're going to rock! 💜


I'm so proud of you!! And I'm really sad that I can't go to your concert :( because I'm from Germany. Your concert will be really good! And I'm looking forward to looking at pictures and videos. You're a really great actor and singer! Ly :)


"Hello Omar. My name is Kristel I am 43 years old and I live in France. I would like to come and say hello to you in all simplicity. I met you and Edvin thanks to the series Young Royals not even a month ago. Since then I have really fallen in love with this series but also with you two who play Simon and Wilhelm more than wonderfully. I find myself in your two characters and the situations you experience in this series. I fell completely under the spell of young royals but especially of you two TOGETHER, so much so that I've watched the first two seasons 6 times 😅🤣 I'm impatiently waiting for season 3. Subsequently I discovered that it was really you who sang and made music alongside your acting, obviously the curious person that I am was listened to what you do 😅🤣 I must confess that on a musical artistic level you are truly extraordinary as well as your acting ☺️ I am completely in awe of you who is a real Swiss army knife as we say here in France, that is to say multifaceted 😅 Not only are you a very, very good actor but you are also gifted for singing, for dancing, you speak several languages and, to top it off, you are a very handsome man. You are just impressive and for that I really admire you. I hope one day to be able to see you in France near Nantes to be able to come and meet you even if I don't really speak English very well I will manage, Google translate is my best friend 🤣🤣🤣 Congratulations again for everything you accomplish, keep it up and continue to make me dream ☺️ I wish you good luck for this first concert which I am sure will be extraordinary so take pleasure and make the most of this moment. I'm really happy for you that it's evolving positively like this and I hope it grows again and again"


Hola Omar, espero que tengas una gran presentación con tu maravilloso talento de cantar y actuar, me encanta tu música y tu voz hermosa al cantar, ve a darlo todo en ese escenario que aunque yo no esté ahí estoy muy feliz por ti y te amo mucho mucho 🫶❤️💕

Phạm Huỳnh Yến Nhi

"Dear Omar, I am a listener from a country across the other hemisphere name Vietnam. I was lucky to know you through Young Royals and the first time I heard you sang in episode 1, my reaction was like “Damn such a voice, who the hell is that, he should be a singer…” and yes you are!! I started to research your music career and your products, and I really love OMR album. All the songs are so good, they are catchy, emotional and hit it off with me. I also started implementing a hair care routine for my curls, and I’m so much happy right now. Thank you for inspiring me. You’re so gorgeous, not only in music but I also love the way you express yourself, I feel safe when I listen to you, I see the similarities in thoughts in you, and I love who you are.
I’ve known you for almost 3 months, when I heard that you would have your ever first concert, I was so so happy and proud but I got so mad that I can’t be there. Just want you to know that there are a lot of people around the world that can’t make it to Sweden but we are all adored and cheerful for your first concert. I promise one day, I will go and meet you in person and I wish all good things will come to you, I love you ❤️ ( my English is not good, and I’m not good at expressing my thoughts, but I hope you can understand my words )"


No puedo explicar la felicidad que siento por ti. Finalmente llegó el día en que pudiste cantar tus propias canciones frente a miles de personas que te admiran y te aman. Personas de diferentes partes del mundo que viajaron solo para verte a tiii!!! Y aunque muchas de nosotras nos quedamos en nuestros países, la alegría y el orgullo que sentimos por ti es inmensamente grande. El mundo te adora, Omar. Latinoamérica te adora. Desde méxico hasta suecia con mucho cariño, Diana <33


"¡OMAR! Felicitaciones por tu primer concierto como solista y SOLD OUT! Estos son los frutos de todo el amor, tiempo y energía que pones en tu trabajo, junto con esa escencia tan única y magnética que te caracteriza como persona. Me siento muy feliz de haberme unido a tu camino como artista y de tener la suerte de ver como lo recorras hasta llegar a donde siempre hayas soñado y más! No veo la hora de que llegue el día en el que también brilles en los escenarios de Latinoamérica, somos mucha la gente que te espera con ansias y me pongo la mochila al hombro de difundir tu trabajo para que seamos cada vez más 💕 El mundo entero NECESITA ver todo el potencial que tenés. Muchos muchos éxitos en esta nueva etapa que se viene, y sobretodo calma que todo va a salir de 10, sos Omar Rudberg queridooo!!!
Te mando todo mi amor y apoyo desde Argentina! 🥰🧡"


How are you? You are amazing!


Hi Omar I'm so proud of you, you made it!!! I love you so so much. I can't go to your concert but I will cheer from home.I hope It's gonna be your best night ever ❤️🩹


Hey Omar, I just want to tell you that I'm super proud of you that you're doing your first solo concert, unfortunately not near me so I can't come, but I think and hope that you'll be near me soon too Come on, I wish you all the best and luck at your concert, have a lot of fun 💌🫶🏼 💗


Omar, I've been a fan for a long time. I've admired you before young royals and I've grown up with you. You are everything to me and I hope one day I will get to meet you. I am so proud of you. Continue with this great job. You are so talented and everyone can see it. We love you🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

@Young__ royals__

You will do amazing, I am proud of you, I always have and always be. I love you ❤️🩹


Omar! I love you so much! Come to Taiwan


Even if I can't go to the concert and I won't have the opportunity to buy an Intro, I will always support you. I love you Omar, I hope you have a wonderful day on Saturday. Good luck, Omar!! You are the best! You make my day better, your music is so amazing.

Manuella da Silva

Omar, today, in this show I'm sure you will shine like the brightest star in the universe! I'm here for you even though I'm on the other side of the world watching you be incredible once again! 💗


Omar, eres todo para mí. Eres mi héroe y mi inspiración, gracias por todo lo que haces por tus fans, por hacernos feliz y sonreír. Muchísima suerte en tu primer concierto!! Me hubiese gustado poder estar allí y aunque no podré, desde México te mando todo mi apoyo. México te ama 💜


I can't be there and that's so terrible. 😭 Nevertheless, I'm overjoyed that you made it 🥹: your first solo concert!!! Congratulations, Omar! ✨ We are all so happy for you and even if I can't be in Stockholm, I will devour everything I can find about it online. Of course I pray for another chance to see and hear you live 🤞🏻🥹🤞🏻 Please just remain such a beautiful person and stay with us🫶🏻


I'm so proud of you, Omar. I'm so sad that I won't be there but I'll be cheering for you from home... I love you, Omar 🫂❤️


Hey Omar, I'm writing you from my room in Brasil, unfortunately the same place I'll be when you're on stage at your first solo show! I hope that, while you are on stage, you can feel the voices of the thousands of people who will be in their homes singing and cheering for you. I hope you can also feel all our love even from afar. You are so talented and so deserving of all the good things that life is giving you. I love you so much and I hope to see you in Brazil someday!


© Cheering for Omar. All rights reserved.